Move met je Baby Upcoming Groups
- Feb 07, 2024, 3:00 PM – 3:45 PM
- Feb 07, 2024, 2:00 PM – 2:45 PM
- Jan 10, 2024, 12:00 PM – 12:45 PM
- Jan 10, 2024, 11:00 AM – 11:45 AM
- Mar 20, 2024, 2:00 PM – 2:45 PM
Looking to develop your babies motor skills?
During this three class series, you will help your baby build a good foundation for their motor development, while having fun!
How to facilitate your baby’s motor development
How to have more joy and fun with your baby
Understand your babies body language so you can tune more into their needs

What topics will be covered?
Babies 6-16 weeks old
most important things in communication/interaction with your baby
How to make tummy time joyful for your baby
How to prevent or diminish colics
How to handle and hold your baby (in a respectful and haptonomical way)
Input of the parents/ input of the baby’s (for example baby’s preferred position)
Babies 4-8 months old​
Next steps in communicating/interacting with your baby
What about rolling, sitting, crawling (why helping your baby sitting is not such a good idea)
How to handle and hold your baby (in a respectful and haptonomical way)
Advanced play
Input of the parents/ input of the baby’s (for example when your baby doesn’t want to be on it’s back)

Frequently asked questions:
Who is this class for?
English and Dutch speaking Parents who want to participate in a fun and interactive activity with their baby in a small relaxed group setting. Groups are divided by 6-18 weeks and 4-8 months.
How long is the course?
Each group meets once a week for three consecutive weeks.
What language will this class be taught in?
This class will be taught in a mix of both Dutch and English. Great for those who want to improve their Dutch!
What to expect?
Warm welcoming atmosphere for your baby and in which you will feel free to find your own way in parenthood
Insight in your baby’s motor development, milestones,
Learn (Dutch) songs (calming/activating/daily activities/lullaby’s)
Postpartum recovery, practicing together with your baby
Building a strong and respectful relationship
What will you leave with?
Getting to know your baby better: where’s your baby’s focus (visual, motor development, audible, social)
(Dutch) songs and activities you can do during the day in a playful respectful way
Self confidence!

Meet your Teacher
The connection with my body has always been natural and fundamental. I was trained to become a dance teacher after high school (vwo). The arrival of our daughter (in 1990) inspired me to consider and set up a course I called Moving with your baby (Bewegen met je baby).
After the birth of our son (in 1994) I became interested in Baby massage (including Shantala) and followed a two-year haptonomy degree programme at the University of Applied Sciences (hbo). I became increasingly interested in perinatal and parental issues and I have been running pregnancy classes since 1995.
I trained initially to become a Pregnant & Fit instructor and then a course leader for Pregnant Together (Samen Bevallen). Later I became a teacher for these training sessions. I became an accredited Bowen therapist in May 2011. My focus during this complementary manual therapy was primarily on the treatment of babies, pregnant women and mothers, although I have stopped offering these sessions. Since 2012, Mindfulness has become a major area of focus.
For my work as a Bowen therapist I graduated in 2016 summa cum laude in The Fundamentals of Medical Knowledge (Medische Basiskennis) from the University of Applied Sciences. My first book, Liefdevol bevallen (Birthing with Love), was published in 2019. Please review my cv here.
Personal contact and the exchange of experience has always been important to me. That’s why I work with small groups. I often attend deliveries as a way to stay in touch with expectant couples and babies. I keep up to date with the latest insights and developments through ‘education permanent’ by attending symposia and following refresher courses in a wide range of relevant areas of expertise. In the course of the 25 years that I have been giving pregnancy courses and baby classes, the Geboortecentrum Amsterdam has remained both my cradle and my practical base.